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  • Academy Of Natural Healing 6:57 PM on July 24, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: energy, , , reduce stress, self help   

    Jin Shin Jyutsu 

    Jin Shin Jyutsu

    Jin Shin Jyutsu is a healing art from ancient tradition.  Passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, the art was dramatically revived in the early 1900’s by Japanese Master Jiro Murai.  Master Murai spent many years studying the ancient Japanese sacred writings, the Kojiki, and the resulting knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu was then given to Mary Burmeister, who was one of his two original students of the art. 

    Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance to the body’s energies, allowing the body to function better, feel better and heal more quickly.  Jin Shin (Jyutsu) is a helpful adjunct to western medicine, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects of stress. 

    Jin Shin engages twenty-six energy locks on the body, pathways that feed life into our bodies.  When one or more of the paths become blocked, the blockage or stagnation will disrupt the flow and eventually disharmonize the complete path of energy flow.  Holding these locks in combinations can bring balance, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Learning Jin Shin focuses one in self study and self help.  In the process of  learning to ‘know myself’ one can learn from the body about tension and imbalances and begin to understand and use the process to restore balance. 

    Jin Shin does not involve massage, manipulation of bones or muscles or use of drugs or substances.  It is a gentle art, practiced by placing the fingertips over clothing on designated locks, to harmonize and restore the energy flow.  This fascilitates the reducing of tension and stress which accumulate in the body through normal daily living.

    For those who want to become actively responsible for maintaining their own health and happiness, Jin Shin is an excellent means to that end.  In dealing with stress, chronic or more recent health disharmonies, and for health maintenence and high energy levels, Jin Shin is a simple and powerful tool, available to all.  

    I will be offering a Self Help Jin Shin Jyutsu Level I  class on August 18, 2012 from 9AM – 6PM.  For more information and to sign up please visit my website at:


  • Academy Of Natural Healing 8:05 PM on July 3, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: chronic back pain, chronic pain, definition of Reflexology, edema, , History of Reflexology, , Reflexology, Reflexology experience, shoulder pain, swelling, wellness   

    Reflexology Unbelievers Line Up… 

    Mrs. Pringle (names have been changed), one of my professors at the Loyalist College in Trenton, Ontario, Canada was so enthusiastic about Reflexology that she incorporated a class in her business presentations. Just from my instructions, she had performed  Reflexology on her husband who had suffered from a chronic neck and shoulder injury for decades. After a series of sessions, his symptoms disappeared permanently with only occasional Reflexology updates.

      She had me teach Reflexology to a room full of unsuspecting students.  Most of them went along with it but one, Judy, who was overweight and defiant and sat through most of the class with her arms crossed in utter disbelief.  Meanwhile, Mrs. Pringle was busily taking pictures of everyone in class doing Reflexology on each other and unwittingly captured Judy’s rebellion on film.  (Perhaps you too can relate to her resistance as you read some of the stories I will share).  Mrs. Pringle gave me copies of the photos.  The photo of Judy’s mutiny is a treasured one to me as it epitomizes all the resistance I have felt from the strictly conventional world to something as simple as Reflexology.

     After class Judy came up to me and said “I didn’t believe any of that crap you were teaching, but when I got up to leave the room and was walking down the corridor, my one foot felt heavy, like I had a galosh on it.  It felt like I was dragging my whole leg.  It was so pronounced that I had my friend walk behind me to see if I was.  I wasn’t but it sure felt like it!  And my other foot felt like it was too small for my shoe” I said “Well, sit down.  You just had the one foot that feels too small for your shoe worked on.”  I quickly gave her Reflexology on her untreated foot.  “Now both my feet feel too small for my shoes!” she said.

    Reflexology is a science that maps out the reflexes to the whole body on the feet and/or the hands.  By pressing specific areas on the feet/hands with your thumb or fingers, every organ, gland, and body part is affected.

    Reflexology is a safe, simple and sensational, dynamic approach to glowing health.  We were not meant to live with pain or illness.  Reflexology is a total body massage therapy, not just a way of helping to find troubled areas in the body, nor just a hand and foot treatment, although it does that too. Keep in mind that it behooves us not to diagnose because…

    1 – So many of the reflexes lay over one another that it is impossible to tell with 100% accuracy which organ or group of organs are tender or out of balance.

    2 – It’s illegal to diagnose unless you are a doctor. 


    William Fitzgerald, M.D. rediscovered this ancient oriental art in 1913. The hospital inNew England, where he practiced medicine used Reflexology exclusively with great success.  No pain pills, muscle relaxants or sleeping pills were needed or prescribed.  Unfortunately as time went on people started to take less responsibility for their own health, looking to the doctor and/or the ‘magic pill’ to cure their ailments after they had used and abused their bodies.  When antibiotics were discovered during WWII, they were considered a panacea for most ills and Reflexology, along with other natural healing modalities fell into disuse.  In recent years, the public has once again started taking responsibility for their own health. Reflexology has become more widely used and accepted as a form of alternative medicine. 

     So does Reflexology work?  Is it your turn to find out?

    • Davis Jennings 7:28 AM on July 15, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Very informative information. Thank you

  • Academy Of Natural Healing 10:19 PM on June 27, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Introduction to Reflexology 

    Reflexology is much more than a relaxing, tension releasing technique.  It assists the body on all levels — emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically and the etheric (spiritual) level, very profoundly.  It is a skill that assists the body in a natural way to…

    • Balance body energies
    • Release toxins from the body
    • Relieve pain
    • Relax muscles
    • Increase circulation
    • Reduce edema in the body
    • Gain more flexibility
    • Obtain better performance i.e. in concentration, sports etc.
    • Reduce stress and tension
    • Lessen addictive cravings
    • Heal itself
    • Lose or gain weight, as desired
    • Improve vision
    • Reduce allergies
    • Improve body alignment

    In 1999 I wrote a workbook titled ‘Everyone’s Guide to Reflexology” in order to teach the principles and application of Reflexology.  As I share concepts from the book I will endeavor to give you practical information to apply as a teacher or student of Reflexology.

    It is important to remain detached from the outcome of a Reflexology session.  This is not an “I am going to fix you” procedure.  Some dis-eases can be great lessons for the person.  It is not our job to interfere with their life path, only to serve when asked, so tread softly with loving care.

    Please feel free to share your personal experiences and questions, I’d love to hear from you!

  • Academy Of Natural Healing 8:50 PM on June 25, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , vacation, young living essential oils   

    Learn more about Natural Healing! 

    Some years ago I had what I call a ‘blow away’ headache, I’ve never had a migraine but this must have been one.  It was intolerable, I was super sensitive to light and sound and no matter what therapy or medicinal product I used, nothing would touch it.  Two friends stopped by and gave me a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, nothing happened, but on their way out they said, “Oh we should have brought our Young Living Essential Oils,” and I asked them to please come back and bring the oils.

    Two days later I was still in pain. They came back with their oils and put 3 essential oils on my body, Myrtle on my throat, RC (Respiratory Care; a blend) on the sole of one foot and Helichrysum on the soul of the other foot. The two of them gave me a session together and at the end of that hour my headache was totally gone. My lungs which had been filled up with fluid were 80% clear.  The relief was incredible and I said “Sign me up!”

    I am now 17 years into using Young Living Essential Oils. I’ve been in the natural medical healing field for over 55 years. Not only do I rely on the oils in my personal life but I use them extensively in my private practice, and I never stop to marvel at the incredible healing power of the human body.

    I am a Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Instructor/Practitioner of Reflexology and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I have a private practice and in addition to Reflexology and Jin Shin Jyutsu, I also do Healing Touch, Aroma Therapy and Avalon Light Therapy. I’ve created beautiful color-coded charts detailing the systems of the body. Follow my blog to learn more about natural healing and visit my website:

    • Elizabeth 9:34 PM on June 25, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Love it! Look forward to reading more:)

    • Davis Jennings 5:13 AM on June 26, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Outstanding to see that the Master Isabelle Hutton has a blog!! I look forward to your posts.

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